Sunday, November 28, 2010

Arlington Health Fair

Last week the city of Arlington, Tx had their annual health fair. Jason's Deli was the only restaurant that participated which gave us great exposure. We served over 3 gallons of Beef Stew and had over 200 people fill out ballot box cards! LSM Katrise Kneeland worked the event.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pink Shirt Friday's

The ladies at the OVT deli have a tradition of wearing pink shirts on Fridays. They would love to see this start catching on at other deli's. Does your deli or office have any traditions?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rookie of the Year loves Jason's!

Ranger's pitcher Neftali Feliz was announced as MLB Rookie of the Year on Monday. He and his agent ordered from Jason's to go with their celebration after the announcement. Just goes to show what a great product we have and you never know who might be ordering.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pinata Contest Winner

This is Maria from the OVT deli. Maria was judged to have made the best pinata at NR family picnic. She won the prize of 5 Texas State Fair Tickets! Great Job Maria!

October Grab & Go Contest Winner

Congrats to the ICS team for winning the $500 prize for the Grab & Go contest in October

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jason's Deli at The Taste of Arlington

On October 26th LSM Katrise Kneeland and employees from SAR and ARL manned the Jason's Deli stand at The Taste of Arlington. It's an annual event that many cities have where local restaurants sample their product to people. We served Muffaletta's and cajun mix. Both deli's made 50 muffaletta's for the event and even loaded up an oven for toasting. The event was a great place to show off our signature sandwich to the public.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Northern Region Celebrates Halloween

There were quite a few stores that celebrated Halloween over the weekend. Pictured above are employees from ARL, LEW and our RSM (Alex Moore) with several LSM's (Alisha Harrington, Whitney Griffin and Renay Grubaugh) dressed up to celebrate Halloween.