Friday, October 14, 2011

Out Of This World Service!

Read a great story told by Nicky Pete (1A SAR) of an amazing example of customer service!

Our delivery driver (Todd) was helping a pick up customer with his order when I over heard Todd telling the guest to grab the bagset and he would bring the trays to his car.The guest said no thank you, I've got it, unless you want to walk over to the hospital. Without hesitating Todd told the guest to LEAD the WAY and I'll walk with you ( about a quarter mile) to the hospital, The guest looked at him like he was joking and Todd said,
" No sir, I'm serious, lead the way, I've got it. WOW! That was amazing to see. He had 4 trays in his arms as he WALKED to the hospital. Todd has a $ 25 dollar gift card, free driver shirt, 3 free meals and a BIG store recognition coming his way.

Now that's how you stay ahead of the competition!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome example of OOTWS!! Thanks for sharing!
